Üks linnuvaatlusreise ja loodusmatku kooraldava turismiettevõtte Estonian Nature Tours´i kauaaegne klient saatis ettevõtte juhile Marika Mannile hiljaaegu mureliku kirja, olles šokeeritud Eesti metsades toimuvast raietegevusest:

  • Maamajandus
  • 10. mai 2017
  • Pildistas Katrin Jõgisaar, Bioneer.ee

Dear Marika: I know you as a very good manager of Estonian Nature Tours but I also know you are interested and concerned about Estonia's wildlife and biodiversity. That's why I send this mail to you. May be you remember me. We had some nice chats and I wrote some reports about Estonia's wildlife.

Unfortunately we are very, very shocked what's going on in Estonia the last two years. Everywhere in Estonia, even in the national parks, logging on a massive industrial scale is going on. It's almost impossible to stop in a forest without logging going on. In this way no mature tree will survive in Estonia. What Estonia is doing at this moment will have a desastrous impact on biodiversity and wildlife. I am also sure many of these cuttings are in conflict with European laws. The negative impact on breeding and dispersion of highly protected species must be huge. We also think that Riigimets is abusing European money to reconstruct tourist roads in a way that only industrial logging carriages can drive them ( by using only big gravel stones). I think all this is even worse than what's going in Poland which made many Europeans very angry. Estonia is destroying their children's and grandchildren's country/habitat for a short term financial benifit. It's unbelievably sad. Now we are in Tudu, the kingdom of brown bear, lynx, capercaillie, golden eagle and lesser spotted eagle. At this moment I can't see my hand in front of my face because of the dust of passing logging trucks meanwhile ruining the formerly scenic gravel roads. What an enormous tragedy. The responsible Riigimets manager must be a Trump-adept. Sorry, but I (and with me) many European nature lovers are very angry. I don't understand how Estonian citizens can accept the ruining of their country. I was told that this industrial logging will yearly generate some 40 million euro to your government.
Will you be so kind to send this mail to the responsible authorities or be so kind to give me the addresses so I can do it. I am sure it will not help but it will give some relief to my frustrations. It's impossible to see this tragedy without doing anything. Perhaps you know the reason why Estonia doesn't care for its natural beauty anymore and why Estonia is transforming its beautiful forests into money?

Thank you very much for your cooperation. Hope to see you again one day.
Johan Schaerlaeckens, European citizen from Holland.

Johan Schaerlaeckens has visited Estonia for more than five years

Marika Mann saatis peale seda laiali järgneva ringkirja:

I am ashamed and I'm angry. The following letter is not the only one that I have received from my customers from abroad this and already last Spring. Hundreds of bird and mammal watchers are currently in the wild of Estonia. Negative information spreads like wildfire! WHO WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY?
In my opinion, for obtaining a legal aid, we should turn to the European Court of Justice. We need help. We have no time.
Please share this email.


Mul on häbi ja ma olen vihane. Allpoololev kiri ei ole ainus, mille olen saanud oma välismaa klientidelt sel kevadel (aga ka eelnevatel). Sajad linnu- ja loomavaatlejad viibivad praegu meie looduses. Negatiivne info levib nagu kulutuli! KES VÕTAB VASTUTUSE?

Minu meelest peaksime õigusabi saamiseks pööduma Euroopa Kohtusse. Meil on abi vaja. Meil ei ole enam aega.

Palun jaga seda meili.