Töötad maailma(kodaniku)hariduse või haridusuuenduse valdkonnas? Usud, et haridus võib muudab maailma paremaks? AKÜ kutsub projekti Bridge 47 raames osalema uuenduslike haridusprojektide konkursil. Me usume, et haridus võib aidata negatiivseid globaalseid trende positiivseks pöörata.

Konkursiga otsime uuenduslikke ja/või eksperimentaalseid projekte, mis aitaksid mõtestada, kuidas maailmakodanikuhariduse abil ühiskonnas positiivset muutust luua.

Projekti eelarve ei tohi ületada 7000 eurot, maksimaalne meiepoolne projektitoetus on 6650 eurot (taotleja-poolse kaasrahastuse nõue on 5%). Edukamad taotlejad kutsutakse 2020. aasta mais või juunis kahepäevasesse disainimõtlemise õpituppa oma ideid tutvustama.

Projektide esitamise tähtaeg on 18. november 2019. Projekte koos kaasdokumentidega ootame e-posti aadressile subgranting@bridge47.org.

Rohkem infot taotlemistingimuste ja -dokumentide kohta allpool (inglise keeles).


Are you working in the area of Global Citizenship Education or educational innovations? Do you think that education can change the world around you for the better? If your answer is yes, Bridge 47 welcomes you to participate in a call for innovative educational projects.

We believe education can help us reverse negative global trends. This call for proposals invites innovative and/or experimental projects that help us build our understanding of how to facilitate transformative change through Global Citizenship Education.

The maximum project budget should not exceed 7 000 €, with a maximum project grant of 6 650 € (5% co-financing is requested from project applicant). Successful applicants will be invited to a two-day design thinking workshop in May or June 2020 to showcase their educational innovations.

The deadline for submitting project proposals is 18 November2019. Please submit your applications through email to subgranting@bridge47.org.

Eligible entities are active non-profit organisations established in one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia.

You can find more detailed information in the call for proposals below, where you can also find the budget and narrative application templates.

For more information, please contact:

Jakub Žaludko, Grant Call Coordinator, jakub.zaludko@bridge47.org

Marjan Huč, Grant Call Coordinator, marjan.huc@bridge47.org

This sub-granting call is part of Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship, an EU-funded project implemented by Finnish Development NGOs Fingo and 15 European and global partners. The project mobilises and empowers global civil society to contribute to a transformation towards global justice and eradication of poverty through Global Citizenship Education. Bridge 47 is co-funded by the European Union.
Related files
1. Call_for_proposals_guidelines.pdf
2. Financial_id_form.pdf
3. Legal_entity_form.pdf
4. Project_budget_template.xlsx
5. Sgm2_narrative_application_template.docx